
20 lines
775 B

# Susuwatari Game
A simple 2D game inspired by the soot yokai in Tonari ni Totoro and Spirited Away. Written pretty much only to learn some game programming in rust.
## ToDo
* [X] Add background tiling.
* [X] Wrap sprite movement at the edges.
* [X] Add mobs.
* [ ] Add a start screen.
* [x] Add different color candies.
* [ ] Add animations to candies.
* [ ] Decide on different behaviors for different candies.
* [ ] Add boss, dust broom.
* [x] Polish assets.
* [ ] Break up hero and boss sprite to use animated sub-sprites.
* [ ] Implement slow down after growing.
* [ ] Implement return to size after short wait.
* [x] Decide on whether hero should always be slowly shrinking.
* [ ] Add levels of increasing difficulty.
* [ ] Add options screen and multiple resolution.