commandline 922ff312bc Hack to set list again after something sets nolist
The main vimrc sets list but opening a buffer with filetype javascript (and
maybe others) is nolist. Maybe the syntax support is overriding??
2015-10-13 23:00:13 -04:00

22 lines
565 B

" don't hard break text
setlocal tw=0
" keep soft breaks between words
setlocal linebreak
" turn list off as it interferes with soft wrapping
setlocal nolist
" turn off breaking when typing new text
setlocal formatoptions-=t
" turn off line width hint
setlocal colorcolumn=0
" narrow width for gui since text will softwrap based on width
if has("gui_running")
" narrow the gui window for text wrangling
setlocal columns=120
" open full screen with macvim
if has("gui_macvim")
set fuoptions=maxvert,maxhorz
au GUIEnter * set fullscreen