148 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable file
148 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable file
import sys
import feedparser
import urllib2
from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError
import logging
import re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import shutil
def __fetch_feed(url):
return feedparser.parse(url)
except HTTPError, e:
logging.error('Failed with HTTP status code %d' % e.code)
return None
except URLError, e:
logging.error('Failed to connect with network.')
logging.debug('Network failure reason, %s.' % e.reason)
return None
def __append(feed, suffix, append_fn, args=None):
latest = __fetch_feed('cmdln_%s.xml' % suffix).entries[0]
entry = feed.entries[0]
if latest.title.find(entry.title) != -1:
logging.info('%s is up to date.' % suffix)
filename = 'cmdln_%s.xml' % suffix
backup = 'cmdln_%s.xml.bak' % suffix
shutil.copy(filename, backup)
f = open(backup)
o = open(filename, 'w')
firstItem = False
for line in f:
if line.find('<item>') != -1 and not firstItem:
append_fn(entry, o, suffix, args)
firstItem = True
if line.startswith(' <pubDate>'):
line = ' <pubDate>%s</pubDate>' % feed.date
if line.startswith(' <lastBuildDate>'):
line = ' <lastBuildDate>%s</lastBuildDate>' % feed.date
def __append_non_itunes(entry, output, suffix, args):
(url, mime_type, size) = __enclosure(entry.enclosures, 'http://cmdln.evenflow.nl/mp3', suffix)
output.write(""" <item>
<title>%(title)s (Comment Line 240-949-2638)</title>
<enclosure url="%(url)s" length="%(size)s" type="%(mime_type)s"/>
<guid isPermaLink="false">%(permalink)s</guid>
""" % { 'title': entry.title,
'link': entry.link,
'description': __description(entry.content),
'pubDate' : entry.date,
'permalink' : __permalink(entry.title),
'url' : url,
'mime_type' : mime_type,
'size' : size })
logging.info('Inserted new %s item.' % suffix)
def __append_itunes(entry, output, suffix, args):
description = __description(entry.content)
soup = BeautifulSoup(description)
summary = '\n\n'.join([''.join(p.findAll(text=True)) for p in soup.findAll('p')])
(url, mime_type, size) = __enclosure(entry.enclosures, 'http://traffic.libsyn.com/cmdln', suffix)
output.write(""" <item>
<title>%(title)s (Comment Line 240-949-2638)</title>
<enclosure url="%(url)s" length="%(size)s" type="%(mime_type)s"/>
<guid isPermaLink="false">%(permalink)s</guid>
<itunes:author>Thomas Gideon</itunes:author>
""" % { 'title': entry.title,
'link': entry.link,
'description': description,
'pubDate' : entry.date,
'permalink' : __permalink(entry.title),
'url' : url,
'mime_type' : mime_type,
'size' : size,
'subtitle' : ''.join(soup.contents[0].findAll(text = True)),
'summary' : summary,
'duration' : args[1] })
logging.info('Inserted new %s item.' % suffix)
def __permalink(title):
permalink = title.lower()
permalink = re.sub('-', '', permalink)
permalink = re.sub('[^a-z0-9]', '-', permalink)
permalink = re.sub('-{2,}', '-', permalink)
if len(permalink) > 48:
permalink = permalink[:48]
return permalink
def __description(content):
description = content[0].value
description = re.sub('<p></p>\n', '', description)
description = re.sub(re.compile('License</a>.</p>.*$', re.M | re.S), 'License</a>.</p>', description)
description = re.sub('</p>\n', '</p>\n\n', description)
return re.sub('<p>View the <a', '<p>More news, commentary, and alternate feeds available at http://thecommandline.net/. View the <a', description)
def __enclosure(enclosures, base_url, suffix):
m = re.search('cmdln.net_[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}', enclosures[0].href)
url = '%s/%s.%s' % (base_url, m.group(), suffix)
usock = urllib2.urlopen(url)
mime_type = usock.info().type
size = usock.info().get('Content-Length')
if size is None:
size = 0
return (url, mime_type, size)
def main():
#feed = __fetch_feed('http://thecommandline.net/category/podcast/feed/')
feed = __fetch_feed('cmdln_site.xml')
if feed is None:
logging.error('Failed to fetch feed.')
__append(feed, 'mp3', __append_non_itunes)
__append(feed, 'ogg', __append_non_itunes)
__append(feed, 'm4a', __append_itunes, sys.argv)
if __name__ == "__main__":