import sys
import feedparser
import urllib2
from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError
import logging
import re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import shutil
def __fetch_feed(url):
return feedparser.parse(url)
except HTTPError, e:
logging.error('Failed with HTTP status code %d' % e.code)
return None
except URLError, e:
logging.error('Failed to connect with network.')
logging.debug('Network failure reason, %s.' % e.reason)
return None
def __append(feed, suffix, append_fn, args=None):
latest = __fetch_feed('cmdln_%s.xml' % suffix).entries[0]
entry = feed.entries[0]
if latest.title.find(entry.title) != -1:
logging.info('%s is up to date.' % suffix)
filename = 'cmdln_%s.xml' % suffix
backup = 'cmdln_%s.xml.bak' % suffix
shutil.copy(filename, backup)
f = open(backup)
o = open(filename, 'w')
firstItem = False
for line in f:
if line.find('- ') != -1 and not firstItem:
append_fn(entry, o, suffix, args)
firstItem = True
if line.startswith(' '):
line = ' %s' % feed.date
if line.startswith(' '):
line = ' %s' % feed.date
def __append_non_itunes(entry, output, suffix, args):
(url, mime_type, size) = __enclosure(entry.enclosures, 'http://cmdln.evenflow.nl/mp3', suffix)
%(title)s (Comment Line 240-949-2638)
""" % { 'title': entry.title,
'link': entry.link,
'description': __description(entry.content),
'pubDate' : entry.date,
'permalink' : __permalink(entry.title),
'url' : url,
'mime_type' : mime_type,
'size' : size })
logging.info('Inserted new %s item.' % suffix)
def __append_itunes(entry, output, suffix, args):
description = __description(entry.content)
soup = BeautifulSoup(description)
summary = '\n\n'.join([''.join(p.findAll(text=True)) for p in soup.findAll('p')])
(url, mime_type, size) = __enclosure(entry.enclosures, 'http://traffic.libsyn.com/cmdln', suffix)
output.write(""" -
%(title)s (Comment Line 240-949-2638)
Thomas Gideon
""" % { 'title': entry.title,
'link': entry.link,
'description': description,
'pubDate' : entry.date,
'permalink' : __permalink(entry.title),
'url' : url,
'mime_type' : mime_type,
'size' : size,
'subtitle' : ''.join(soup.contents[0].findAll(text = True)),
'summary' : summary,
'duration' : args[1] })
logging.info('Inserted new %s item.' % suffix)
def __permalink(title):
permalink = title.lower()
permalink = re.sub('-', '', permalink)
permalink = re.sub('[^a-z0-9]', '-', permalink)
permalink = re.sub('-{2,}', '-', permalink)
if len(permalink) > 48:
permalink = permalink[:48]
return permalink
def __description(content):
description = content[0].value
description = re.sub('\n', '', description)
description = re.sub(re.compile('License.
.*$', re.M | re.S), 'License.', description)
description = re.sub('\n', '\n\n', description)
return re.sub('View the More news, commentary, and alternate feeds available at http://thecommandline.net/. View the