# Waldo Butters ## Attributes * Agility: d6 * Smarts: d10 * Spirit: d8 * Strength: d4 * Vigor: d6 ## Skills * Athletics: d4 * Common Knowledge: d6 * Fighting: d6 * Healing: d10 * Investigation: d8 * Notice: d8 * Occult (Knowledge): d6 * Persuasion: d6 * Repair: d6 * Science (Forensics): d10 * Stealth: d4 ## Derived Stats * Pace: 6 * Parry: 5 * Toughness: 5 * Charisma: 0 ## Hindrances * Major: Curious (compelled to learn and investigate) * Minor: Pacifist (tries to avoid violence when possible) * Minor: Quirk (obsession with polka music) ## Edges * Healer: +2 to all Healing rolls, including natural healing. * Investigator: +2 to Investigation and Streetwise rolls, +2 to Notice rolls made to search through evidence. * Arcane Background (Knight of the Cross): Wielder of Fidelacchius (Sword of Faith) ## Arcane Background: Knight of the Cross *Arcane Skill:* Faith (Spirit) *Starting Power Points:* 10 *Starting Powers:* 2 (Divine Smite, Healing) ## Gear * Fidelacchius (Sword of Faith): Str+d6+2 damage; additional 2d6 damage against supernatural evil beings. * Lab coat * Medical bag with supplies * Smartphone * Polka-powered flashlight (custom-made gadget)