" set the directory where my vimrc git project is located source ~/.vimrc_local " source aux files also under git control let oldwd = getcwd() exec "cd " . vimrc_git source vundle.vim source java.vim source javascript.vim exec "cd " . oldwd " turn on file type plugins filetype plugin indent on " turn off compatibility mode set nocompatible " turn on syntax support syntax on " change buffer behaviors to no longer require changes when hiding a buffer set hidden " look for vimrc in the current director as well as $MYVIMRC set exrc " make looking for local changes secure set secure " make search work a bit more like tab completion in bash set incsearch set wildmode=longest:full set wildmenu " line break handling set lbr set sbr=+ " always on status line set laststatus=2 " configure airline, advanced status line plugin let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#enabled = 1 " set up folding preferences set fde=1 set fdm=syntax " let backspace work more naturally set backspace=start,indent,eol " set a readable width set textwidth=80 " favor modern encoding set enc=utf-8 " more readable config for list mode set listchars+=nbsp:¬,tab:»·,trail:· set listchars-=eol:$ " smarter handling of case during search set ignorecase set smartcase " disable outdated data loss protections set nobackup set noswapfile " quickly toggle a right, vsplit for viewing, navigating whatever structure easy " tags/tagbar can figure out for the current buffer nmap :TagbarToggle " quickly toggle a left, vsplit for an insanely powerful file explorer nmap :NERDTreeToggle color desert