Vincent Ambo 025b143d88 Replace usage of chrono with time crate
The time crate is the underlying crate which chrono uses for its
various operations.

Unfortunately, chrono is unmaintained and older versions of the time
crate have security vulnerabilites[0] which are unfixed in chrono[1].

The medallion code does not use any chrono-specific features and all
uses of it could be trivially replaced with the underlying time

Note that this change adds calls to `expect`. Where these calls are
made, the previous chrono functions also panicked internally if
out-of-range values were passed.

We noticed this issue while doing a similar refactoring in a program
that also uses medallion[2].

2022-02-19 08:29:40 -05:00

188 lines
5.9 KiB

#![crate_name = "medallion"]
#![crate_type = "lib"]
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
///! A crate for working with JSON `WebTokens` that use OpenSSL for RSA signing and encryption and
///! `serde` and `serde_json` for JSON encoding and decoding.
///! Tries to support the standard uses for JWTs while providing reasonable ways to extend,
///! primarily by adding custom headers and claims to tokens.
pub use header::{Algorithm, Header};
pub use payload::{DefaultPayload, Payload};
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
mod crypt;
mod header;
mod payload;
pub use anyhow::Result;
/// A convenient type that binds the same type parameter for the custom claims, an empty tuple, as
/// `DefaultPayload` so that the two aliases may be used together to reduce boilerplate when no
/// custom claims are needed.
pub type DefaultToken<H> = Token<H, ()>;
/// Main struct representing a JSON Web Token, composed of a header and a set of claims.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Token<H = (), C = ()> {
raw: Option<String>,
pub header: Header<H>,
pub payload: Payload<C>,
/// Provide the ability to parse a token, verify it and sign/serialize it.
impl<H, C> Token<H, C>
H: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
C: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
pub fn new(header: Header<H>, payload: Payload<C>) -> Token<H, C> {
Token {
raw: None,
/// Parse a token from a string.
pub fn parse(raw: &str) -> Result<Token<H, C>> {
let pieces: Vec<_> = raw.split('.').collect();
Ok(Token {
raw: Some(raw.to_owned()),
header: Header::from_base64(pieces[0])?,
payload: Payload::from_base64(pieces[1])?,
/// Verify a token with a key and the token's specific algorithm.
pub fn verify(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Result<bool> {
let raw = match self.raw {
Some(ref s) => s,
None => return Ok(false),
let pieces: Vec<_> = raw.rsplitn(2, '.').collect();
let sig = pieces[0];
let data = pieces[1];
Ok(self.payload.verify() && crypt::verify(sig, data, key, &self.header.alg)?)
/// Generate the signed token from a key with the specific algorithm as a url-safe, base64
/// string.
pub fn sign(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Result<String> {
let header = self.header.to_base64()?;
let payload = self.payload.to_base64()?;
let data = format!("{}.{}", header, payload);
let sig = crypt::sign(&*data, key, &self.header.alg)?;
Ok(format!("{}.{}", data, sig))
impl<H, C> PartialEq for Token<H, C>
H: PartialEq,
C: PartialEq,
fn eq(&self, other: &Token<H, C>) -> bool {
self.header == other.header && self.payload == other.payload
mod tests {
use super::Algorithm::{HS256, RS512};
use crate::{DefaultPayload, DefaultToken, Header, Payload, Token};
use anyhow::Result;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use time::{Duration, OffsetDateTime};
pub fn raw_data() {
let raw = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.\
let token = DefaultToken::<()>::parse(raw).unwrap();
assert_eq!(token.header.alg, HS256);
pub fn roundtrip_hmac() {
let now = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let header: Header<()> = Header::default();
let payload = DefaultPayload {
nbf: Some(now.unix_timestamp().try_into().unwrap()),
exp: Some((now + Duration::minutes(5)).unix_timestamp().try_into().unwrap()),
let token = Token::new(header, payload);
let key = b"secret";
let raw = token.sign(key).unwrap();
let same = Token::parse(&*raw).unwrap();
assert_eq!(token, same);
pub fn roundtrip_expired() -> Result<()> {
let now = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let token = create_for_range(now, now + Duration::minutes(-5))?;
let key = b"secret";
let raw = token.sign(key)?;
let same = Token::parse(&*raw).unwrap();
assert_eq!(token, same);
assert_eq!(false, same.verify(key).unwrap());
pub fn roundtrip_not_yet_valid() -> Result<()> {
let now = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let token = create_for_range(now + Duration::minutes(5), now + Duration::minutes(10))?;
let key = b"secret";
let raw = token.sign(key)?;
let same = Token::parse(&*raw).unwrap();
assert_eq!(token, same);
assert_eq!(false, same.verify(key).unwrap());
pub fn roundtrip_rsa() {
let rsa_keypair = openssl::rsa::Rsa::generate(2048).unwrap();
let header: Header<()> = Header {
alg: RS512,
let token = DefaultToken {
let raw = token
let same = Token::parse(&*raw).unwrap();
assert_eq!(token, same);
fn create_for_range(nbf: OffsetDateTime, exp: OffsetDateTime) -> Result<Token> {
let header: Header = Header::default();
let payload = Payload {
nbf: Some(nbf.unix_timestamp().try_into()?),
exp: Some(exp.unix_timestamp().try_into()?),
Ok(Token::new(header, payload))