#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Provide a cast type!" exit 1 fi type=$1 if [ -z "$2" ] then echo "Provide a slug!" exit 2 fi slug=$2 if [ -z "$3" ] then date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) year=$(date +%Y) post_date=$(date +%Y/%m/%d) else date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d -d $3) year=$(date +%Y -d $3) post_date=$(date +%Y/%m/%d -d $3) fi echo $date faac -q 100 \ -b 96 \ -c 44100 \ -o cmdln.net_${date}.m4a \ --title "The Command Line ${date}" \ --artist "Thomas Gideon" \ --album "The Command Line" \ --year "${year}" \ --genre "Podcast" \ --writer "Thomas Gideon" \ --comment "Weekly ${type} cast. Email to feedback@thecommandline.net. Show notes and license information for this episode at http://thecommandline.net/${post_date}/${slug}/" \ --cover-art ~/Dropbox/Public/color_cover_art.jpg \ cmdln.net_${date}.wav