This project is a collection of simple scripts used to help automate various tasks involved in the production of The Command Line Podcast. - Compares the podcast category feed for the podcast's web site with format specific feeds, adding the newest episode if missing. encode.bash - Drives a set of encoders and tagging utilities to convert a single WAV input file into flac, Ogg Vorbis, AAC and MP3 files with complete and consistent metadata. - A script intended for one time use to tweak a feed to re-link its enclosures to appropriate URLs at the Internet Archive. tidyrc - Tidy config that approximates the formatting of the live feeds to minimize disruption. publish.bash - Script to automate as much of the publishing step as possible. outline.xsl - Transform that handles the recursive structure of OmniOutliner files better than Beautiful Soup does. outline.bash - Drives the XSLT operation and subsequent scripting tasks that cannot be handled in XSL.