# this URL will be used to find the first new episode # not in the feed files generated by append.py # it was developed based on my practice of using PodPress # just for its Flash player and publishing my own feed files # to drive actual subscription url=http://www.example.org/category/podcast/feed/ # prefix that will be concatenated with the file type # when generating each alternate feed file_prefix=your_cast_ # leave blank to skip, otherwise some text to append to episode titles title_suffix= (Comment Line 202-555-1212) author=Your Name # should match file_prefix from the associated .conf file # will be used in re-formulating enclosures for different file types enclosure_prefix=your_file_ # these next two values are based on my own practices, seeing # that many podcast clients strip implicit links to the source site # text to find and before which the more_info value will be inserted # in general, this is the first bit of the last paragraph in a source post info_lede=View the