Update, drop aac and ogg for now

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Gideon 2022-01-30 14:35:36 -05:00
parent 039a5653c5
commit 31f7a679d8
1 changed files with 26 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ function clean {
if [ -f "$1" ]
echo "Cleaning existing file, $1."
rm $1
rm "$1"
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Provide a cast type!"
echo "Provide a cast config!"
echo "$0 <cast config> <slug> [date]"
exit 1
@ -49,22 +49,22 @@ then
echo "$0 <cast config> <slug> [date]"
exit 2
if [ -z "$3" ]
date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
year=$(date +%Y)
post_date=$(date +%Y/%m/%d)
date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d -d $3)
year=$(date +%Y -d $3)
post_date=$(date +%Y/%m/%d -d $3)
date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d -d "$3")
year=$(date +%Y -d "$3")
post_date=$(date +%Y/%m/%d -d "$3")
# load info from cast specific config file
. $config
. "$config"
if [ -z "${file_prefix}" ]
if [ -z "$file_prefix" ]
echo "${config} must set file_prefix."
exit 1
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ clean "${base_file}.mp3"
echo ""
# encode lossy, MP3, adding ID3v2 tags for everything
# *except* cover art
lame -b ${mp3_bitrate} \
lame -b "${mp3_bitrate}" \
--cbr \
--tt "${title}" \
--ta "${artist}" \
@ -98,91 +98,28 @@ lame -b ${mp3_bitrate} \
--tg "${genre}" \
--id3v2-only \
--noreplaygain \
${base_file}.wav \
"${base_file}".flac \
# lame package from Lucid lacks the --ti switch for image
# found eyed3 via a web search
eyeD3 --add-image ${cover}:FRONT_COVER \
eyeD3 --add-image "${cover}":FRONT_COVER \
--url-frame="WCOP:${copyright}" \
echo ""
echo "Encoding ${base_file}.flac."
clean "${base_file}.flac"
echo "Tagging ${base_file}.flac."
echo ""
# lossless encoding
flac \
--picture="|image/jpeg|||${cover}" \
--tag=title="${title}" \
--tag=artist="${artist}" \
--tag=album="${album}" \
--tag=year="${year}" \
--tag=genre="${genre}" \
--tag=composer="${artist}" \
--tag=comment="${comment}" \
--tag=url="${url}" \
--tag=copyright="${copyright}" \
echo ""
echo "Encoding ${base_file}.m4a at ${aac_quality}."
clean "${base_file}.m4a"
echo ""
# AAC encoding, lossy
# docs recommend against setting bandwidth and bitrate setting
# doesn't seem to result in the desired quality as tweaking
# the quality setting (max 500)--200 was arrived at by iteratively
# encoding the same raw audio and subjective listening to the results
ffmpeg -i ${base_file}.wav \
-b:a ${aac_quality}k \
-metadata title="${title}" \
-metadata artist="${artist}" \
-metadata album="${album}" \
-metadata year="${year}" \
-metadata genre="${genre}" \
-metadata writer="${artist}" \
-metadata comment="${comment}" \
-strict experimental \
#-metadata cover-art="${cover}" \
#-acodec fdk_aac \
#faac -q ${aac_quality} \
#-o ${base_file}.m4a \
#--title "${title}" \
#--artist "${artist}" \
#--album "${album}" \
#--year "${year}" \
#--genre "${genre}" \
#--writer "${artist}" \
#--comment "${comment}" \
#--cover-art "${cover}" \
if [ -f "${aac_notes_path}/${date}.notes" ]
# put together the just-so input file for mp4chaps
echo "00:00:00.000 Start" > \
grep "{{offset|" ${aac_notes_path}/${date}.notes | \
sed -e "s/.*offset|\(.*\)}}.*|\(.*\)}}.*/\1 \2/" >> \
# write the chapter marks to the AAC/MP4 file
mp4chaps -o -z -i ${base_file}.m4a
echo ""
echo "Encoding ${base_file}.ogg at quality ${ogg_quality}."
clean "${base_file}.ogg"
echo ""
# encode the Ogg Vorbis from the flac copies the tags/comments
# already set into the flac file except the cover art;
# using metaflac, can encode the binary block in flac
# per the latest recommendations from Xiph for cover art
oggenc \
-q ${ogg_quality} \
--comment=METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE="$(metaflac --export-picture-to=- ${base_file}.flac| base64 -w 0)" \
metaflac \
--import-picture-from="|image/png|||${cover}" \
--set-tag=title="${title}" \
--set-tag=artist="${artist}" \
--set-tag=album="${album}" \
--set-tag=year="${year}" \
--set-tag=genre="${genre}" \
--set-tag=composer="${artist}" \
--set-tag=comment="${comment}" \
--set-tag=url="${url}" \
--set-tag=copyright="${copyright}" \